
The Science Inquirer Series [Level 1]-He Isn\\\\\\\'t Human!


型号          /  978-981-09-7476-3
出版年份    /  2015
售价          /  RM 12.50
页数          /  128
丛书系列    /  The Science Inquirer Series Level 1
出版社       /  Young Scientists Pte Ltd
规格          /  15 cm x 21 cm
印刷          /  Colour
Ebook       /  

Diversity :

He Isn't Human! —There are many types of living and non-living things in the world. Man seeks to categorise this great variety of living and non-living things better understand the world in which he lives. There are common threads that connect all living things and unifying factors in the diversity of non-living things that help Man to classify them. This theme brings across the importance of maintaining diversity.


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