
Profession Series30-Air Salvation (Air Rescue Team)


型号          /  978-967-2418-20-7
出版年份    /  2020
售价          /  RM 13.50
页数          /  128
丛书系列    /  Profession Series
出版社       /  Comic Holic Sdn Bhd
规格          /  15 cm x 21 cm
作者          /  Alice Tan , Paul
印刷          /  Colour
Ebook       /  

• Perilous environment • Hang by a thread rescue • Dangerous natural and man-made disasters

Synopsis : Kimmy is the lead member of the Air Rescue Team. This team of four rescues victims cooperatively with tacit understanding in every mission. One day a giant mutated zombie appears in Lightning City and attacks the civilians there. The Air Rescue Team immediately launches a rescue operation. Why is there a zombie in the city? Can the rescue team save those helpless residents in the city?


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