
Cheepy Hacks Issue 5: How Do You Remove A Caterpillar From Your Plant?

型号          /  978-967-2418-36-8
售价          /  RM 13.50  RM 9.45
页数          /  128
丛书系列    /  Cheepy Hacks
出版社       /  Comic Holic Sdn Bhd
规格          /  15 cm x 21 cm
作者          /  Story by Eggie Factory , Illustrated by Poached Egg Machine
印刷          /  Colour

Each book has 10 “What Should You Do”, of which six of them is presented in comics, while the other four is written
in story, enabling children to improve their reading ability by reading comics as well as stories.

When you face simple everyday problems, what should you do? Do you look for help or solve them yourself?
These five super adorable chicks will use their funniest and most interesting ways to teach you how to solve everyday struggles. Let us learn how to be a problem solver in life.


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