
Mysterious Phenomena Series Spooky World 04 : The Carnivorous Tree [STAPLED]

型号          /  978-981-119-259-3
出版年份    /  2019
售价          /  RM 13.50  RM 10.80
页数          /  125
丛书系列    /  Mysterious Phenomena Series
出版社       /  Ace Mind Publishing Pte Ltd
规格          /  15 x 21cm
作者          /  Story by Unknown Creatures Lab ; Illustrated by Fourth Dimension Studio
印刷          /  彩色印刷 Colour

The Loch Ness Monster, crop circles, aliens, the Bermuda Triangle, Bigfoot and out-of-body experience are some of the abnormal and incomprehensible mysterious phenomena from all corners of the world. ‘Mysterious Phenomena Series’ depicts the phenomena worth exploring with stories full of suspense and insightful scientific analysis. Does the so-called mysterious phenomenon really exist? Or is it just a hoax? ‘Mysterious Phenomena Series’ awaits you to discover for yourself!


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