Journey to China's Ancient Capitals
型号 / JCAC2019
出版年份 / 2019
售价 / RM 68.00
页数 / 253
出版社 / 合力出版(马)有限公司
规格 / 20 x 15 cm
作者 / Jin wenquan
印刷 / 彩色
For everyone who is curious and even admires the extensive and profound Chinese civilization. you follow your it is impossible to understand the height of civilization of this country like how heart when you have a crush on someone; it is also impossible for you to open your mind to contain everything, like how you immerse in the landscape; facing the ancient capital of China these countless Chinese predecessors have gone through the catastrophe and care for the deep civilization accumulated, we can only get few true meanings of it by carefully learning her essence.
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